John’s only just flute CD. It is a compilation of his songs since 1998 to present recordings inspired from the beauty of the garden isle of Kauai. Great for healing, relaxation, meditation, this CD will bring the listener hours of peaceful inspiration.
1.Love Is an Ocean 5:35
2.Inca Trail 2:49
3.Winged Ones 4:53
4.Oak Creek 4:39
5.Four Winds 4:49
6.Awakening 2:37
7.Canyon Spirit 4:59
8.Love Flute 4:07
9.Double Helix 3:56
10.Tantra 6:22
11.Heart Flute 3:47
12.Flute Totem 7:09
13.Amazing Grace 4:39
Total length 59:59
© 2013 John Dumas
It has truly been amazing grace that that has guided my path through life. I feel so fortunate to have been blessed by Spirit in so many ways, and one of the most profound has been the Native American flute. I dedicate this CD to all of you who have asked me to make a recording of just flute over the years. BIG mahalo to every one for making this CD possible. Special thanks to Jesse Kalu for his love mastery and seeing the flute player and maker in me. Aho! to my kokopelli brothers Michael Telapary and Jesse for joining me on the song Flute Totem, I still can’t tell who’s who. R. Carlos Nakai for inspiring me to play Amazing Grace by listening to hisversion over and over, and to the truth tears we all have shared. To all my music soul family all over the world who have supported my passion and love of playing flute. Elsa & Mahana for their beautiful photography. Mother Earth, and all the people who walk close to her dreaming the dream forward. Most of all, to (Lucy) for the love support, and encouragement you share so generously. You have no idea how much I love you.